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Employer Tool-Kit: Employing Peer Workers in your Organisation 2009

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Employer Tool-Kit: Employing Peer Workers in your Organisation

Baptist Care (SA) Inc
Mental Illness Fellowship South Australia (MIFSA)

February 2009 Baptist Care (SA) Inc. & MIFSA Peer Work Project

The Peer Work Project believes in the treasure of having a lived experience of mental illness and support Peer Workers to use this. They are valuable in making a difference to the lives of other consumers. We aim to support organisations that share this belief and who wish to employ Peer Workers.

CHAPTER 1 - Peer Work: An Overview
Who is this Tool-Kit Designed For
What is a Peer Worker?
Principles / Values of Peer Work
Benefits for Your Organisation
Implementing Peer Work in Your Organisation
CHAPTER 2 - Preparing Your Organisation
Process Management
Assessment of the Organisation
Develop and Define the Role
Recruiting Peer Workers
CHAPTER 3 – Training Peer Workers
The Introduction to Peer Work Course
Who Conducts the Introduction to Peer Work Course?
Transfer of Learning – knowledge and skills
gained through the training
CHAPTER 4 – Workplace Support
Organisational Support
The Peer Worker’s Wellbeing Mentoring
Issues for Peer Workers
Employer’s Checklist
Information and Support
Resources and Literature

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Administrator (admin)
Submitted On:
27 Aug 2015
File Size:
544.0 KB
Submitted On:
27 Nov 2014